Riff Playbooks: Adam Rafowitz of Arch Echo | 'Immediate Results!'

The incredibly talented Arch Echo lads stopped by our office while passing through Toronto, and they were kind enough to share some killer sections from their most popular tunes.
When it was Adam Rafowitz’s turn in the hot seat, he didn’t hesitate in choosing something to play. And honestly, we had nothing but respect for his selection—a challenging section that’s tough to pull off even on your best day, let alone under bright lights, rolling cameras, and a crowd of guitar nerds watching from three feet away. No warm-up? No problem. True to form, Adam delivered flawlessly, showcasing his effortless command of the instrument.
Using just about every guitar technique in the book, he nailed the part with the same punchy, melodic energy that defines Arch Echo’s sound. His demonstration was not only a masterclass in technical prowess but also a perfect example of the musical complexity that makes the band's approach so compelling. We’re beyond lucky to have witnessed it firsthand!
If you'd like to learn this intimidating, yet rewarding section of music - you can grab the FREE tabs right here and play along!
With our faces freshly melted, we then had the opportunity to ask Adam some quick-fire questions! You can check out how he fielded said questions below!