Sheet Happens Summer Sale 2021

It's that time of year again! Time for us to tempt you to stay inside and learn songs instead of enjoying the weather like you should. Just kidding, both things are important to a balanced summer, and who's to say you can't bring that rig outside and ruin your neighbour's day? 

In all seriousness, we want to thank you on behalf of ourselves and our artists for the continued support, and want to give back a little by giving you the opportunity to grab everything you want at an absolute steal (well, almost everything, details below). 
So grab yourself those books & vinyl you've been eyeing up, and have yourself a very cool riff-lord summer. 

Summer Sale runs from July 16th at 12:00am EST until July 19th at 11:59pm.
Summer Sale excludes any product that has been released after June 18th, 2021.
Summer Sale only includes single products.
No promo code required!

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